Wine Paleo Rosso, Toscana IGT, 2005
Tasting Notes
Wine red ruby color.
The wine has a rounded, mild taste with a silky texture and thick, soft tannins.
The wine has a fruity aroma with notes of ripe berries and green tea.
The wine goes well with meat dishes.
Interesting Facts
Paleo - one of three exceptional wines monosortovyh Le Makkiole, which were the result of long hard work. All wines Le Makkiole are renowned for their excellent quality and have earned recognition in many countries of the world, but they are manufactured in strictly limited quantities.
Le Makkiole economy is in the heart of Bolgheri, about five kilometers from the sea. C inception wineries have been many years of experiments and studies that have been directed to ensure that it is here, on the Tuscan earth full potential and learn to identify the possibility of such atypical Tuscan grape varieties like Cabernet Franc, Syrah, Merlot, Sauvignon and Chardonnay. Of them were created by excellent wines, which are made on a "per vine - one bottle." Following the recognition in Italy came to Le Macciole and international fame, their wine literally captivated the world for their superior quality.